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Looking to start a business in a growing Tennessee community with little racial diversity, below average per capita income,  where one in six persons lives below the poverty level while 10 dozen city employees drive government cars home and officials scheme to stop public records of their actions from being released? Looking to be near a hospital with millions in construction cost overruns that has become a taxing district because administrators can't raise enough through provided services? Looking for a county with below average expenditures for education? Do you like lap-dog daily newspapers whose reporters eat pizza donated by incumbent politicians? 
Welcome to Cookeville, Tenn., home of the Phabulous Wee-Wees
University of Tennessee, Center for Literacy Studies

Return to The Putnam Pit

Per capita income
High County:  $ 19,339.00
Putnam County:  $ 11,004.00
Low County:  $ 6,266.00
Below poverty level
High County:  40.00%
Putnam County:  16.6%
8,003 persons
Low County:  5.80%

Population increase
Putnam County  Tennessee 
Population 1990:  51,373 4,877,185
Population change 1980-90:  7.2% 4.6%
Percent Urban 1990:  47.3% 60.4%
Percent Nonwhite: 3.3% 17.6%

School expenditures per student
High District:  $ 2,274.00
Putnam County:  $ 880.00
Low District:  $ 385.00
State Average:  $ 1,124.00

Source: University of Tennessee, Center for Literacy Studies