Enron Corp. shelled out $2,445,898 to federal candidates in the 2000 election cycle and is ranked 36th on the list of campaign contributors, according to data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. Even while it was busy destroying documents related to its business practices, the Houston-based corporation ranked 9th in the nation in political contributions to candidates running in elections this year, with $157,884 divided among Democrats (12%) and Republicans (88%). Although Enron's largesse was for the most part bolstering G.O.P. candidates, neither Tennessee Republican Sen. Fred Thompson nor Bill Frist received a dime, the Center for Responsive Politics reports on its web site, http://www.opensecrets.org A list of contributions to candidates since 1989 shows Enron gave $1,500 to Gordon and Bryant, and $500 to Tanner. |