The Putnam Pit presents a satirical tribute to Cokevial's finest,
the men and women we are all so proud to call our protectors

Letter from the Chief
Mission Statement


The second annual Cokevial Dog Shoot, sponsored by the Police League and the Cokevial Department of Leisure, will be held Jan. 1st, 2004.

The Dog Shoot is a family terror program for police officers. This is a unique program that encourages close adult-animal activities while pulling over cars on the Interstate. All animals are killed in front of the driver and videotaped for future viewing.

The local shoot consists of two divisions: Civil Rights and Animal Rights. Two champions, one in each division, will advance to the World Championship of Violators in Selma.

The Dog Shoot will be Thursday, Jan. 1st, on I-40 between Nashville and Cookeville. Denials of wrongdoing will follow.

Come watch the kids shoot and cheer them on!!!

The staff of the Cookeville Police Department would like to welcome you to COKEVIALEPOLICE.COM. We hope you find the site informative and easy to navigate.

We are very proud of our Department and the positive relationship we have with the community we serve. Our members strive every day to improve the quality of services we provide and enhance that positive relationship with all citizens.

Again, welcome to our site. Please visit us often.