City attorney won't have to face malpractice trial
O'Mara dodges a $600,000 bullet through a technicality
His client, now dead, never got justice, thanks to loophole
COOKEVILLE, Tenn. (Oct. 5, 1999) -- City Attorney T. Michael O'Mara may or may not have neglected a client who lost a $600,000 claim in a bankruptcy, but the Tennessee Supreme Court announced on Oct. 4 that they will not hear the case.
This means O'Mara will not have to face a trial on the issue because of a technicality.

If you are looking for an attorney who can squeeze through a loophole after allegedly costing a client $600,000, you may want to call him.

O'Mara's firm also represented Putnam County Clerk of Courts Lewis Coomer in several land acquisition deals, The Putnam Pit has learned, as well as representing the city in cases arising from the denial of public records to persons critical of Cookeville government.

"Basically," said Sam Harris, the appellant's lawyer, "the problem here is Mr. Robert Roggen was president of a corporation, and the last day before the statute of limitations ran he signed and filed a complaint on behalf of the corporation. Because he couldn't find a local lawyer, he was forced to do the only thing he could for the corporation, sign it himself. In a previous case the court said any complaint filed on behalf of a corporation must be signed by a lawyer."

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