Model Cyber Activism in Shorewood: If every city in America had a citizen running a website like Geoff Davidian's in Shorewood, we would all be better off. -- Tony Palmeri

Five for the books
Photos ©2006 Allen Fredrickson

Brewer batters stung Cincinnati Reds pitchers with five home runs in 10 plate appearances in the fourth inning Saturday at Miller Park, This tied a MLB record accomplished only four times previous, the last time by the Minnesota Twins in the seventh inning on June 9,1966 against the Kansas City A's. The other three teams to hit five homers in one inning were the New York Giants (fourth inning, June 6, 1939), Philadelphia (fourth inning, June 2, 1949) and San Francisco (ninth inning, Aug. 23, 1961). Cincinnati was the team to give up the home run barrages in each of those three games. Bill Hall led off the inning with a home run followed by Damian Miller's two run HR with Rickie Weeks on base, then Brady Clark hit a two run HR with pitcher Dave Bush on board, J.J. Hardy with a solo HR, and finally two batters later Prince Fielder with a solo home run. Behind a four hit complete game shutout by Dave Bush the Brewers defeated the Reds 11-0 to return to the .500 mark.

Our long village nightmare of budget restraint, honesty and transparency is over

Shorewood Village Board agenda
Monday, April 24, 7:30 p.m.
Shorewood Village Hall
3930 N. Murray Ave.
Shorewood, WI 53211

Village accounts payable vouchers for approval April 24

Twinkie defense

Federal judge's hubby questioned

Hanewall denies role in campaign atrocities

SHOREWOOD, Wis. (April 18, 2006) -- A police detective Twinkie's Defenseinvestigating a complaint of village campaign atrocities interrogated Trustee-elect Jeffrey W. Hanewall, a 41-year-old  Caucasian  male and the husband of Federal Bankruptcy Judge Pamela Pepper,  after a handwritten sign reading "Bush Supports Hanewall" was illegally replaced by one paid for by Hanewall's campaign.

The puzzling Mr. Hanewall

Hanewall, vanquished two years ago in his quest for a trustee seat when voters repudiated his campaign, managed to win a seat in the April 4 election despite incorrectly telling voters his last outing that he was independent. Campaign disclosure statements show he was joined at the war chest with Trustee Ellen Eckman in the 2004 election. 

Hanewall, a six-foot two-inch, 160-pound brown-eyed and brown-haired former woodworker residing at 2414 E. Jarvis St., was questioned April 7 at about 8:30 a.m. at the Shorewood Police Department, according to a police report by Detective Sergeant Kevin Carini, which was obtained by "Hanewall was asked if he had anything to do with the removal and or destruction of the handwritten political campaign sign," according to police records. "Hanewall said he did not," the report continues. "Hanewall said he had nothing to do with what was being investigated.

A report by Police Officer Gary Lenda discloses police dusted evidence collected at the crime scene for fingerprints.

So, you think you know Shorewood?

Play 'Link the Photo:' Click on a photo below for large view and associate each to one of the following local events, places or persons:

Resting Foley lawyer
Photos © 2006 Geoff Davidian
1. Capital Drive with new bike lane; 2. CDA looking at property to finally get that dreadful Senior Resource Center out of our precious library; 3. Shorewood Men's Club Chicken BBQ; 4. New trustee anxious to be sworn in so he can begin to expand arena of deceitful rampage; 5. MMSD scientist checks Lake Michigan at Atwater Beach following latest sewage dumping; 5. Foley partner and his goat rest after carrying a sack of money to his car.


Bikes CDA Shorewood Mens Club Newbie

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