Court updates Benjamin Trust file after Foundation Prez Kurtz flipped out

Photos ©2005  Allen Frederickson

Open letter to Shorewood Library President Jeff Hanewall:

Just because I proved you lied to voters doesn't mean you get to lash out in your official capacity

Give me an appeal

Show me again?

"Sue us," Board may as well have begged

Library Board approves reliance on shaky acquisition policy to allow links to unsubstantiated corporate monopolistic newspaper sites but refuses a link to a Shorewood news and opinion site that provides access to documents substantiating its reporting about Shorewood incompetence and corruption..

This is because, the library said, the policy is valid that allows links to  unsubstantiated corporate news sites that do not provide their evidence because these sites are more valuable for research pages than local sites that prove, say, the library board president lied to voters about being independent

Turing Test

Test Description:
  This test was designed to test whether Twinkies are intelligent. We decided to do this test last, because we "killed" a lot of Twinkies during these experiments, and didn't want to know before the other tests were over if they were sentient.

This test was a slightly modified version of the Turing test, designed to check computers for artificial intelligence (AI). The theory is that if you ask questions by typing on a computer keyboard and cannot distinguish whether the responses come from a human on the other end, or a computer program, then the program is artificially intelligent.
  Before Test:
Before the test, the Twinkie was relatively quiet, and the Lovett sophomore was confused by the whole thing. One typical statement was, "Wait, you're testing to see if a Twinkie is intelligent?"

More on the test

Pernicious is as pernicious does

Shorewood Foundation prez unleashes blistering attack
on public participation

'Critics be damned,' Foley partner may as well have blurted. Meanwhile, calls for Harv's  removal are growing after he flipped out in public

Library officials ignored agreement that settled public records lawsuit

SHOREWOOD, Wis. (June 8, 2005) -- Library Director Beth Carey continued from April 2004 into the current year sending email messages to members of the Library Board at personal or business email address, ignoring a settlement agreement in a long and costly public records case. today asked Village Attorney Ray Pollen to honor his agreement, to take possession of the library's email server contents and to safeguard all communication pending a review by the court.

The law suit named as defendants Shorewood Village. former Village Manager Ed Madere, Pollen, his firm, Crivello Carlson & Mentkowski SC, Trustees Ellen Eckman and her employer, Marquette University, Trustee Guy Johnson and the public records custodian at his government employer, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, former trustee Vida Langenkamp, former village official Rodney Dow and his law firm, Foley & Lardner. 

Here are a few of the messages dealing with official library issues that were obtained by, a Web site Carey suggests is unworthy of a link. Click here

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