Our second year of failing to meet the Shorewood Library's high standards

Part-time village attorney's bills top $80,000 over past 12 months; $102,616 in 15 months

See the chart    --     See the June bill

Corporation Counsel asked to investigate library board, president
Library director continues snub of critical, independent news Web site

SHOREWOOD, Wis. (July 23, 2005) -- Director Beth Carey has refused for a second time to stop withholding a Web link from the Shorewood Public Library's Web site to www.ShorewoodVillage.com, a local publication critical of official mismanagement, civil rights violations, wasteful government and arbitrary actions by public employees.

In her terse, one-sentence refusal to reconsider the request to stop alleged discrimination on the basis of viewpoint and in alleged retaliation for publishing true information about crime sprees by library employees' children, Carey also hinted that the appeal process the library has just spent nearly $5,000 to contrive is no longer in play. "The staff's decision is final," Carey wrote. Letter

Meanwhile, ShorewoodVillage.com has asked the Milwaukee County Corporation Counsel's Office to investigate and prosecute if appropriate a closed meeting of the Library Board and the refusal of Library Board President Jeff Hanewall, a chronic appointee to all sorts of positions and unsuccessful candidate for trustee, to provide a full accounting of the items that have run up legal fees to nearly $5,000 since March.

But don't look for any disciplinary action against the lawyers who perpetuate Hanewall's operating mode -- he has wiggled his way onto a district panel that monitors lawyer ethical lapses.

Maybe this is none of our quote unquote "business."

Perhaps we should create some new positions in the village for Hanewall and others who have a penchant for obtaining positions with little authority but big titles to apply for, like the "needs new gutters" committee. (Look, joining, belonging, being recognized, appointed and acknowledged are very important to some people, such as those who have no sense of who they are, those who need to be part of groups who recognize the members with rotating presidencies and so forth.) 

Krueger acknowledges public safety problems

Joe Krueger

SHOREWOOD, Wis. (July 21, 2005 -- At long last, a minion of the ruling lawyer class has broken ranks with the establishment and acknowledged that the village is short on public safety. More

Judge Donald rejects motion to intervene in Benjamin fee fuss

Court says it already ruled on issue of who has standing; won't consider reasonableness of fees the Shorewood Foundation is dying to pay and did not contest although Judge Donald thought they were high and cut the amount by 10 percent. Why didn't the Foundation's crack bag men contest the high fee? Is this how the trust is managed?

Feeding frenzy ends with a whimper as the judge denies entreaties of two Reinhart lawyers who wanted more money yet from the Benjamin Fund to pay them for showing up to argue they should not have to prove they really earned $35,000

Path is clear for Shorewood Foundation's Kurtz and Schmeckpeper to overpay their neighbor for unnecessary legal services -- except for 100% likelihood of appeal


Hanewall blocks release of library legal bill details

Village Attorney Ray Pollen tells Court that if asked, he would provide village's position on motion to intervene and motion to reconsider legal fees in Benjamin Fund legal bills challenge, but he refused to show up for the motion hearings

Pollen's firm also submits nonspecific bills to the village for payment, but Pollen refuses to provide access to his own billing slips

Read about Mr. Pollen's hillbilly clients, the dog-killing, hacking government officials of Cookeville, Tennessee

Village Attorney Ray Pollen

It's just not the public's business how the public's money is squandered

Lawyer who answers demands for legal bills says his invoices to library can be blacked out 

Jeff Hanewall, who was repudiated by voters in April 2004 in his bid for a seat on the village board, continues to hold court, spend public  money although his library board term has expired

SHOREWOOD, Wis. (July 18, 2005) -- Jeff Hanewall, the president of the Shorewood Library Board whose term has expired, nevertheless continues spending village money to pay the Library lawyer whose blacked-out bill is double what was approved. The lawyer, Dennis Fisher, now argues public can't see his itemized invoices. But WHY? Why spend money on a lawyer to argue that his legal bills don't have to be public unless there is something to HIDE? And if the Library Board is not paying the fees for the service of explaining why the bills can be blacked out, why is the lawyer making his client look like they have something to HIDE? -- letter

Dennis Fisher, of Meissner, Tierney, Fisher & Nichols

How appealing!

Audio quote of the week:

'He likened me to a quote unquote Twinkie'

-- Jeff Hanewall,
Shorewood Library Board president explaining why he won't recuse himself from participating in an appeal of the denial of a link from the library's Web site to ShorewoodVillage.com.

'But I can be as fair and objective about his quote unquote trash Web site as the next crème-filled sponge cake,' in this paraphrase of what is said on the audio file.

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Legal bills show Shorewood Foundation Pres. Kurtz and Library Trustee Jeff Schmeckpeper repeatedly met with and influenced Foundation lawyer in Benjamin Trust case

SHOREWOOD, Wis. (June 24, 2005) -- At first, they promised to avoid the appearance of impropriety by looking for three out-of-county probate lawyers as candidates to hire to expand the use of the $1 million-plus gift of the late William Benjamin to aid village seniors. But  two Shorewood Foundation directors instead maneuvered the foundation to settle on a $300-an-hour Shorewood resident. Attorney Jennifer D'Amato, of 2624 E. Shorewood Blvd., is with the Milwaukee firm Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren S.C. See the bills

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